الثلاثاء، 25 مارس 2008

Oman's Renaissance

On July 23, 1970, His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said assumed power. His promise to his people was to renew Oman’s historic glories and open a brighter chapter of prosperity, social and economic progress, following the long period of isolation. The Omani society was rapidly transformed from a traditional society to a modem one.

His Majesty’s promise to his people was to banish the darkness of ignorance with knowledge and education.

Twenty-nine years later, Oman is continuing to reap the fruits of his wisdom and his visionary policies. Sultan Qaboos realized it would be necessary for every Omani to participate in the rebuilding of a new Oman. As a result, a new government was formed, diplomatic relations were established with the rest of the world and amnesty was granted to those opposing the old regime. Subsidized houses were provided for the needy, free education and health care were given to all Omanis. Transportation, commerce and industry had to be developed almost from scratch to ensure the progress and prosperity of the whole nation.

In 1994, Sultan Qaboos summed up his political and social policy with the statement “there is no evolution without roots.” New Oman has flourished by building upon the achievements of the past while embracing modern technology in a unique blend which reflects the strength of Omani character. This sensitive, yet vital, balance is what has kept Oman unique among its neighbors.

It emanates from the nation’s pride in its heritage as echoed by His Majesty: “WE believe that the future of our coming generations resides in their patriotic

Commitment to our fatherland, our pride in the sacred work tradition established by our forefathers, and in energetically utilizing our country’s national resources.”

Here in our beloved land, we look back at the past to help provide a platform for the present. In a period of just over a quarter of a century, the renaissance of a nation has been completed as its people rise to the occasion, beginning a new chapter in the history of the nation.


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