الاثنين، 24 مارس 2008

Majan Civilization

Around the third millennium BC Oman appears in various documents as “Majan” a land whose seafaring people carried another commodity precious at the time: copper. Copper was in great demand in Sumerian cities, which referred to Majan as “The Mountain of copper”

From Majan came various other commodities valued in Mesopotamia such as wood and stone. Its shipwrights were specifically mentioned in Sumerian inscriptions of 2050 BC

This isolation continued until the first millennium when archeological sites excavated show that Oman came in contact with the Assyrian and Aryan empires. The Aryan civilization is believed to have renewed trade with Idea where Oman served as a link carrying wood, copper and spices.

The cost notable event that affected Oman in pre-Islamic was the collapse of the dam of Ma’rib in Yemen. This prompted several tribes, the most important of which was the Uzd, to migrate north to Oman. Mush of Oman was under the occupation of the Persians, whom the Uzd fought to regain control of the territory.

هناك تعليقان (2):

smart boy يقول...

my frienf you have a great blog.
allah bless you

Oman يقول...

Salam my friend,,
I am very happy to see you here in my blog
thank you for passing
have a nice time